TDD Heuristics: Faking & Cheating

Tags: test driven development, feedback, eXtreme Programming,

Once we have a failing test, how do we get to green quickly? If we can get away with faking it, we do that. It is sometimes the simplest way to get the test to pass, and to remind us to write the next test case.

pretend play - faking it

Making a test pass by faking or cheating, for example by returning the expected value as a constant, is an example of acting dumb in implementation. In TDD cheating is allowed, we even recommend it! If you can get away with faking, it means you need another test case to force yourself to write a more generic implementation.

Faking might feel weird at the beginning, but it helps to proceed towards your goal in baby steps. You will make progress continuously.

When we fake, we do it with simple code - no ifs, no boolean flags. We’ve learned that if we try to fake with flags or ifs, we’ll code ourselves into a corner.


Let’s take another look at the Comma Separated Values (CSV) conversion code we looked at in the 0, 1, N post. We were test driving the conversion from aggregated survey results (represented by Rollup domain object) to CSV.

We wrote a test for a survey with a single question, which should result in a single line in the CSV (after the header line):

  def test_creates_csv_with_a_line_for_a_rollup_question(self):
    survey = aSurveyWithQuestions(
            aValidQuestion(id=aValidID(33), letter='A',
    rollup = Rollup.empty_rollup(survey,
                                 facilitator_name='the facilitator',

    assert as_rollup_csv(self.rollup) == dedent('''\
            id,question,zone,consensus,consensus value

We can implement this by cheating: we just return the literal string that we are asserting.

def as_rollup_csv(rollup):
  return 'id,question,zone,consensus,consensus value' + '\n' + \

This is perfectly fine, as there is no test that asks for anything else. Because faking like this feels awkward, it urges us to do something about it.

There are two other techniques to resolve this that we use often use:

  • Triangulation: generalize based on two or more examples (but no less). We can write a next test that will force us to generalize the code.
  • Remove duplication beween code and test: we can see it as a matter of duplication between the test code and the production code. The question values are both in the setup code of the test and in the fake production code.

We will explain these later in this series on Test Driven Development.


Faking helps us to do the Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work - it prevents us from introducing logic that we don’t need yet - or that we don’t need anyway.

Because faking helps to keep the code simple, it enables us to work at a higher pace - more faster test-fail-code-refactor cycles.

Struggling with that awkward feeling? A different way of looking at faking and cheating is that we initially provide a very specific implementation, which we generalize later on. The fake is correct behaviour, but correct for a very limited scope only. It is too specific, but good enough as a baby step towards our goal.

Further reading

In Test Driven Development, By Example, Kent Beck introduced the Fake It (‘Til You Make It) pattern.

We have made extensive use of The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work in Act dumb in implementation.

This is a post in our series on Test Driven Development.

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